Bringing NAIPC to Your CommunityThe National Aging in Place Council® is a senior support network that connects service providers with elderly homeowners, their families and caretakers. NAIPC® is developing a national network of Local Chapters, so that members can better serve our aging population. If you are interested in establishing a Local Chapter, there is a process you must follow. Local Chapters operate under the jurisdiction of the national organization. Anyone who wishes to be part of a Local Chapter must be a member of NAIPC®. The Local Chapter has the option to charge supplemental dues to support local activities. You must first determine if a Chapter already exists in your city, county or state. To find out, visit the Chapter site. If one exists, please complete the Chapter’s membership application. If there is no Chapter, and you’re interested in possibly starting one, please continue reading.
Building a Local Aging In Place ChapterOne of our goals at the National Aging in Place Council® is to encourage members to work with one another at the local level, so they can better serve the communities they work and live in. Members are encouraged to meet and learn about each other's businesses, to discuss aging issues and trends, and to network. Over time, a referral network is developed whereby members of the Local Chapter refer potential clients to each other. To begin a Local Chapter, you must assemble 10 individuals to serve as charter members, all of whom must be NAIPC® members (please see 'Chapter Formation Package' above). We will also contact other nearby members and notify them that a chapter is being formed. Building a Chapter doesn't happen overnight. It can take a lot of time and effort to identify potential members, convene meetings, and get everybody in the same room talking to one another. "In essence, there are all these individual professions that touch the senior somewhere along the way, and by collaborating and coming together, they find that they can help a lot more seniors live more comfortable lives by getting multidimensional services from a number of different providers," said Peter Bell, former President of the National Aging In Place Council. "What members have learned is that they're developing a big referral network of other people who are dealing with the same clientele they're trying to reach." Start With Your NetworkingOne of the best ways to start a Chapter is to contact the people you already know—home health care providers, durable medical goods manufacturers, Medicare Specialists, care managers, case managers and elder law attorneys. If you don't have an existing network of care providers, one of the best places to start is your local Area Agency on Aging. AAAs were established in 1973 under the Older Americans Act (OAA) to respond to the needs of Americans aged 60 and over in every community. There are currently 629 Area Agencies on Aging across the country that plan, coordinate and offer services that help older adults remain in their homes. Because they have an established network of senior service providers, AAAs can be a natural ally. The Area Agency on Aging may also be willing to donate space for your educational event. |